short film »River«
»River« © Alesandro Ubaldi

My collaboration with the Met Film School Berlin

In summer 2014 I met a young student on Facebook – half-Dutch, half-Austrian, student at the Met Film School – posting a casting for native English-speaking actors. Even though I am not native British I still asked him whether he would let me audition. He did. The start of a very nice, interesting, challenging and diverse cooperation.

The Met Film School is the German branch of the school with the same name in London. They offer several courses: undergraduate and postgraduate courses in practical filmmaking and directing as well as six-month courses and numerous shorter ones. (practical filmmaking, directing, production, editing)

The greatest thing about these projects is that the students have to learn how to work with actors and get them to do what you as a young aspiring director want them to do and I learn from working with them and from them as well. The teachers give them lots of different methods – and me by proxy. Suzuki's ViewPoint Method, Method Acting, Meisner, Chubbuk and the rest of the gang. And apart from that, these students are still very much into experiments. They don't always work out, but that's not the point – trying and searching is often more interesting.

These young people come from all over the world and this school enabled me to work with upcoming talent from Canada, Brasil, Sweden, Norway, Libanon, Great-Britain, Germany, Belgium, Serbia and so on.

My video gallery • Met Film School Berlin

Video Corpus
Spoon River – Monologue Fletcher
Spoon River – Monologue Fletcher
Spoon Rive – Monologue Tom
Spoon River – Monologue Tom
Spoon River – Monologue Herbert
Spoon River – Monologue Herbert
Dream Therapy
Dream Therapy
