How to cry
© André Simonow

Theatre performance by &sistig in TD Berlin

Would the future look different if men cried more often? »Soft Old Boy« instead of »Grumpy Old Man« wanted, is the motto! With HOW TO CRY we want to sob together, on stage and on the couch, with our audience, behind the scenes, live in the salt mine and at the front of the ramp. In the spotlight and outside in the rain, five performers engage with cameras, passers-by and the audience. All are curiously connected to the crying of old white men and ask themselves: HOW TO CRY?

In the form of an expedition programme, &sistig explore the ways in which crying can be made productive. Strategies of vulnerability are revealed and the idea of masculinity* is playfully expanded to include liberating emotional outbursts. Watch it! What kind of solidarity practice could make this possible? And by crying, can we soften the categories of who is allowed to cry when and how?

One of the tasks of theatre has always been to organise collectively shared grief. Can we also find it easier today to show ourselves vulnerable in community? There would be enough to weep for in the mode of the ongoing crises around the globe and in our immediate neighbourhood. Let the tears run free!


Performance & Texts: Çağlar Yiğitoğulları, Johannes Storks, Juliana Oliveira, Lisa Heinrici und Richard Gonlag

Script and Director: Bastian Sistig

Dramaturgy: Hanna Steinmair

Stage Design: Marie Gimpel

Costume Design: Josephine Hans

Light: Florian Fink

Video Design: Jonas Fischer

Streaming/Camera/Live-Cut: Brian Karp und magmastudios

Sound: burgund t brandt

Production: Julia Klinkert

Premiere: Theaterdiscounter Berlin • 2nd of September 2021 • 8 pm

further performances from 3rd until 5th of September 2021

A production of &sistig GbR in cooproduction with TD Berlin.
Supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin, Fonds Darstellende Künste e. V. and funded from Bundesbeauftragte für Kultur und Medien within the programme #TakePart.
